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About Mining Hub


Mining Hub Manifest

Future: anticipation of tomorrow. The driving force of innovation. 

But innovation is not just about inventing new machines, it's also about training new people. People who are included in the equation of transformation. Here, we encourage diversity to drive the evolution of the culture in the mineral sector. “Mining” new paths and calling out for the reconnection of PEOPLE. Of Scientists. Thinkers. Workers. We pulled a chair at the table and offered the opportunity to speak in this debate, to think about more sustainable, inclusive and responsible mining. Not because of the originality of what we do, but because we are a community influencing the future of the sector. Thinking together along with startups and creating innovation ecosystems. After all, the good we do alone is even better when we are together. This is our call to the future. 

This is Mining Hub!

What are we?

  • Agent of change, being a counterpoint to the sector, transforming culture and contributing to reputation
  • An Open Innovation initiative aimed at all members of the mining chain
  • Connection, collaboration, and empowerment of innovation in the sector
  • Connection, collaboration, and empowerment of innovation in the sector
  • Influencers of the future of the chain and the sector, seeking alternatives in an integrated way

What are we not?

  • Commercial Chamber
  • Overlapping activities of other entities (IBRAM, Associations, etc.) )
  • Physical R&D Center
  • Accelerator
  • Policy Interface
  • An event spac

Mining Hub on the Media