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Cases Mining Hub


Indwise was founded in 2017 as a startup focused on productivity in industry 4.0. In early 2018, she was selected and a finalist in the FIEMG LAB program. Through IOT technologies, it consolidated its product on the market, in multi-national companies. In 2019, it was selected for the Samsung Creative Startup program with one of the 7 most relevant solutions and for the MINING HUB, being sponsored by Ferrous.

Site: Indwise
Cycle 1 – M-Start
Mining Company: Ferrous


Within the M-START program, an initiative of the Mining Hub, we find the challenge of data monitoring and use of water resources. The challenge aims to develop a proof of concept capable of making the water balance from collection to beneficiation.


The solution includes real-time management of the capture and control of the main reservoir, up to the plant’s supply, with alerts in case of critical situations. and management reports to understand sectoral consumption, water reuse rate and utilization rate.

Results and advantages

With the monitoring of all abstraction, reservoirs and water consumption points, we are generating key indicators to reduce consumption and waste, predictability of operations, reducing plant shutdowns. In addition to reducing environmental impacts and sustainable consumption.


The Indwise team consists of the CEO and Engineer, Gustavo Barreto; Productivity Specialist, Lucas Tavares and Lucas Cruz; Developers Juan Luiz and Gabriel Nunes; Hardware and Operations Bruna Fontes.
Due to its participation in the M-Start program, Bamin, one of the companies associated with the Mining Hub in 2019, learned about the innovation and processes developed by Indwise, which led to the hiring of the startup by the mining company to develop the Geological Description Manager Application . As a result, there was an increase in speed in the process of geotechnical description, removal of papers in the description area, possibility of quick consultation at any time and place and greater transparency for auditing.

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