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Cases Mining Hub


Founded in 2018 with the proposal to be a technology-based consultancy, Fsee Conexões Strategicas uses techniques of Corporate Communication and Marketing to position its customers in more favorable conditions of negotiation and relationship in its institutional network. Still in 2018, it developed the Stakeholder Management System, an online tool that is easy to complete and update, which allows the prior identification of institutional risks and opportunities for companies and projects. With clients from different segments, from mining companies to football teams, through metallurgical companies and also from technology, Fsee differentiates itself by the way in which it engages to solve its clients’ corporate problems. With a focus on managing and improving relationships in the institutional network, the strategies adopted show more sustainable results for the business with gains in both the short and medium term.

Site: FSEE
 2 – M-Start

Mining Company: Bamin 


Currently, there are several social development methodologies and indicators such as IFC’s equator principles, GRI sustainability guidelines and their sector supplements, UN sustainable development goals, UN social indicators, UN human rights indicators, sustainability index business – ISE, among others. With that, we sought solutions capable of carrying out an integrated qualitative analysis of social development indicators, in addition to capturing the local peculiarities of the communities inserted in the mining context in order to generate data for decision-making about the best social initiatives to be implemented in these regions. In this way, social investments developed by companies do not always reflect the wishes of communities, and the completion of an Indicator does not necessarily cover topics considered in other Indicators. Therefore, it is common to identify companies with relevant social investments, but with a perception of negative presence in the territories where they operate.


In this context, Bamin and Fsee Conexões Estrategicas developed the Integrated Analysis of Social Indicators, having as reference the GRI – Global Reporting Initiative, related to the UN – United Nations Organization and ISE – Corporate Sustainability Index, linked to the Stock Exchange from Sao Paulo. Based on these indicators, questionnaires were developed based on the questions of the social issues of the GRI and ISE to be applied in the company and also with its stakeholders. In parallel, a new functionality of the Stakeholder Management System was developed to capture the perception of interested audiences about the social performance of the company / project. The crossing of the results obtained in completing these two questionnaires (Company and Stakeholder), when registered in the Stakeholder Management System, point out the social issues that demand the greatest effort from the company to improve social interaction and also the issues to which the community’s perception it differs from what is done by the company, both in a greater or lesser perspective of the stakeholders as well as in the real social interaction of the company.

Results and advantages

From this work, companies will be able to better direct their social performance efforts, simultaneously meeting national and global standards of Social Indicators and supplying relevant topics pointed out by stakeholders, thus making social interaction an effective tool for improving the perception of presence company in the territory. In this way, the company’s social interaction starts to contribute significantly to obtaining the Social License and consequent continuity of its activities.


Fernando Cláudio, graduated in Social Communication, coordinated the work of preparing the questionnaires and structuring the Stakeholder Management System and the Full Stack Developer, Geraldo Milholo, was responsible for improving the System’s functionalities.
We got to know FSee during the M-Start Cycle 2 and the participation of the startup in our program, developing an innovative solution, led to the hiring of FSee by the Mining Hub to develop the communication strategy of the Mining Hub and the management of our social networks

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